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Videos (test) » Sköldpaddor - Landsköldpaddor» Geochelone aldabra» Ben 10 Ultimate Alien--TERRASPIN--Funny Debut From Revenge of Swarm Episode

Ben 10 Ultimate Alien--TERRASPIN--Funny Debut From Revenge of Swarm Episode

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Terraspin is a new alien that appeared in Ben 10: Ultimate Alien. He is a Geochelone Aerio from the peaceful planet Aldabra. Terraspin's DNA sample was scanned from Galapagus in the episode, Escape From Aggregor . Like Water Hazard, Armodrillo, NRG, and AmpFibian, his species is from the Andromeda Galaxy. Ben first used this form in Reflected Glory. Terraspin is an alien from the planet Aldabra. He is a green turtle-like alien with several holes in his shell who has the ability of flight, along with producing strong winds, by withdrawing his head and arranging his limbs like a fan. He also has large, flipper-like arms and small stumpy legs. He also has retractable claws to use as fingers. His name is a combination of terrapin, which is a Terraspin's wind attack type of turtle, and spin. On the home planet of his species the people are peaceful. Terraspin appears as a playable character in Ben 10: Game Creator. The Ultimatrix scanned Galapagus (one of the aliens that Aggregor kidnapped from the Andromeda galaxy) in Escape From Aggregor and added his DNA. He resembles the Japanese monster Gamera. Both were turtle like in appearance, both could fly, both look roughly similar, both could draw into their shells and both could spin while in their shells either as an attack or a form of flight. His powers are aerokinetic, meaning that the basic element he controls and manipulates is the air and wind. He can retract into his shell and blow unusually strong and powerful silver ...

Publicerad av reptinet 2011-06-16 21:14:56


